7-Segment Projects using ATmega16 Microcontroller for Beginners

Nowadays, 7-segment has become the most popular display unit on market because it is cheap, easy to program and small. On market, we can find 2 types of 7-segment which are: common anode and common cathode type. 7-segment displays are widely used in digital clocks, electronic meters, and other electronic devices for displaying numerical information. The 7-segment display, consists of seven LEDs (hence its name) arranged in a rectangular fashion. Each of the seven LEDs is called a segment because when illuminated the segment forms part of a numerical digit to be displayed. An additional 8th LED is sometimes used within the same package thus allowing the indication of a decimal point, (DP) when two or more 7-segment displays are connected together to display decimal numbers. In this project, we are going to use a common anode 7-segment display.

7-Segment Display Interfacing with ATmega16

In this project, you will learn How to interface a common anode 7-segment display with AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. Here, the ATmega16 microcontroller will do the decimal to 7-segment decoding for common anode 7-segment display and it will display the numbers from 0 to 9 and then dot (.) in the common cathode 7-segment display with a time delay of 500 millisecond between each number. After displaying dot (.), the microcontroller will repeat the above process continuously.

7-Segment-Display-Interfacing-with-AVR ATmega16 Microcontroller Circuit Diagram ABLab Solutions

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Quad 7-Segment Display Interfacing with ATmega16

In this project, you will learn How to interface a common cathode based Quad 7-Segment display with AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. Here, the ATmega16 microcontroller will do the decimal to 7-segment decoding for common anode 7-segment display and it will display the numbers from 0 to 9 and then dot (.) in all the four common cathode 7-segment displays of Quad 7-Segment display with a time delay of 500 millisecond between each number. After displaying dot (.), the microcontroller will repeat the above process continuously.

Quad-7-Segment-Display-Interfacing-with-AVR ATmega16 Microcontroller Circuit Diagram ABLab Solutions

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00 to 99 Display in Quad 7-Segment Display with ATmega16

In this project, you will learn How to display from 00 to 99 in two common anode 7-segment displays with AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. The two 7-segments are connected to the AVR ATmega16 microcontroller using multiplexing technology to save six I/O pins of AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. For detail see the circuit diagram. The microcontroller selects one 7-segment at a time to display one digit of the two digit number. But, the speed at which the microcontroller selects the 7-segment to display the digits is very fast. At this speed, the human eye cannot detect that; at any instant of time only one 7-segment is displaying one digit of the number and the other 7-segment is not displaying anything. The microcontroller displays the numbers from 00 to 99 in the two 7-segment displays and the microcontroller uses its compare match interrupt of Timer Counter feature to give a time delay between two consecutive numbers (delay functions cannot be used to give time delay between two consecutive numbers). When the display reaches 99, it will restart the display from 00 and the above process continues forever.

00-to-99-Display-in-Quad-7-Segment-Display-with-AVR ATmega16 Microcontroller Circuit Diagram ABLab Solutions

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000 to 999 Display in Quad 7-Segment Display with ATmega16

In this project, you will learn How to display from 000 to 999 in three common anode 7-segment displays with AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. The three 7-segments are connected to the AVR ATmega16 microcontroller using multiplexing technology to save 13 I/O pins of AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. For detail see the circuit diagram. The microcontroller selects one 7-segment at a time to display one digit of the three digit number. But, the speed at which the microcontroller selects the 7-segment to display the digits is very fast. At this speed, the human eye cannot detect that; at any instant of time only one 7-segment is displaying one digit of the number and the other 7-segments are not displaying anything. The microcontroller displays the numbers from 000 to 999 in the three 7-segment displays and the microcontroller uses its compare match interrupt of Timer Counter feature to give a time delay between two consecutive numbers (delay functions cannot be used to give time delay between two consecutive numbers). When the display reaches 999, it will restart the display from 000 and the above process continues forever.

000-to-999-Display-in-Quad-7-Segment-Display-with-AVR ATmega16 Microcontroller Circuit Diagram ABLab Solutions

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0000 to 9999 Display in Quad 7-Segment Display with ATmega16

In this project, you will learn How to display from 0000 to 9999 in four common anode 7-segment displays with AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. The four 7-segments are connected to the AVR ATmega16 microcontroller using multiplexing technology to save 20 I/O pins of AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. For detail see the circuit diagram. The microcontroller selects one 7-segment at a time to display one digit of the four digit number. But, the speed at which the microcontroller selects the 7-segment to display the digits is very fast. At this speed, the human eye cannot detect that; at any instant of time only one 7-segment is displaying one digit of the number and the other 7-segments are not displaying anything. The microcontroller displays the numbers from 0000 to 9999 in the four 7-segment displays and the microcontroller uses its compare match interrupt of Timer Counter feature to give a time delay between two consecutive numbers (delay functions cannot be used to give time delay between two consecutive numbers).. When the display reaches 9999, it will restart the display from 0000 and the above process continues forever.

0000-to-9999-Display-in-Quad-7-Segment-Display-with-AVR ATmega16 Microcontroller Circuit Diagram ABLab Solutions

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